4 Ways to Go From Yellow to Perfect White Teeth

The message from United Smiles has always been loud and clear. If you brush properly twice a day, floss regularly, and visit us on schedule, you should have clean, healthy teeth and gums.

Sadly, this does not mean your teeth will always be as white as you would like, so what can be done about it?

While brushing and flossing does remove most of the plaque that forms in the intervals between brushing, plaque only needs a day or two to harden into tartar, a yellowish substance that stains your teeth and can only be removed by a trip to the dental hygienist. Plaque can also trap other food particles that will increase the stains on your teeth.

There are also a number of other factors that affect the colouration of our teeth, some we can control and some that are beyond our control. Understanding these factors and their treatments are the first step to erasing that yellow from your smile!

Most Common Causes of Yellowing

Some food and drink. Coffee, tea and red wine contain tannins, which cause color compounds to stick to enamel, leaving unwanted stains. Surprising foods, like apples and potatoes, can also lead to stains and yellowing.

Tobacco use. The nicotine and tar in cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco can make teeth yellow very quickly.

Age. Most teeth naturally yellow as we age because the outer layer of enamel wears away, revealing the yellowish dentin layer underneath.

Genetics. Some people have brighter or thicker enamel due to DNA. Thicker enamel will take longer to wear down, which can make teeth appear whiter longer.

Medications. Tetracycline antibiotics, commonly used to treat bacterial infections, can cause permanent tooth stains. Additionally, some antihistamines, antipsychotic drugs, and high blood pressure medications can cause enamel to yellow. If your teeth are becoming yellow, be sure to tell your United Smiles dentist about all your medications.

Treating Discoloured or Yellow Teeth

There are four general approaches to discoloured or yellow teeth. These are:

  1. Cleaning
  2. Tooth Whitening
  3. Dental Veneers
  4. Dental Crowns

Cleaning Discoloured Teeth. There are a variety of at-home/DIY treatments for brightening teeth. However, a professional cleaning at United Smiles bring better results and is safer.

Tooth Whitening Treatment. Many tooth whitening products are available in stores and on the Internet. They often look a bargain, however the dangers of a “cheap” solution can be considerable. Whitening bleach in inexperienced hands can easily damage tooth enamel and make the situation worse not better.

Here at United Smiles, we know what exactly works best for your smile, offering you the best and longest lasting systems.

1 Hour in chair ZOOM! Whitening

Zoom! Teeth Whitening System has the best cosmetic bleaching available. Other over-the-counter whiteners or dental whitening procedures such as whitening toothpaste, strips, or whitening gels may help brighten your smile but nothing compares with the Zoom! Whitening, which provides safe and lasting results. With Zoom! Whitening, your smile can get an average of 8 shades whiter in just 45 minutes. It has also been clinically proven to be safe and effective.

Take Home Whitening Systems

Your cosmetic Mernda dentist will make a tray to which a safe whitening agent is applied. The tray is custom made to fit your teeth comfortably. You can wear the tray anywhere from 30 minutes a day to overnight. This depends on the solution your dentist find most suitable for you.

Dental Veneers. If the enamel has deteriorated to the extent that the underlying yellow dentine is visible, dental veneers are an ideal way of whitening them. Veneers are thin porcelain shells that fit over the front surface of the tooth. Veneers are suitable for the front teeth and are not for the rear ‘chewing’ teeth.

Dental Crowns. Crowns are the ultimate solution for very heavily stained or eroded teeth that may have other defects as well. A crown is a cylinder made from porcelain fused to a metal core that is placed over your natural tooth.

Whatever you need for your smile, United Smiles has it!

Keep Your Smile Healthy and Attractive with United Smiles in Mernda

United Smiles is conveniently located in the heart of Mernda Village, serving patients from all Melbourne areas. Our office has ample parking at the rear of the building. Wheelchair access is also available at the front of the building.

Our Teeth Whitening Specials

Call us today on (03) 8682 8658 or book an appointment online TODAY!