Gum Disease: Treatments And Cures

Gum disease refers to an inflammation of the gum line that can advance to affect the bone surrounding the teeth. Gum disease appears in three stages:


It is characterized by the inflammation of the gums. Symptoms include some bleeding when brushing and flossing, or, some swelling or redness of the gums.


This is the second stage of this disease where the supporting bone, as well as the fibers that support the teeth, are irreversibly damaged.

Advanced Periodontitis

This is the most mature stage of gum disease, during which bones and fibers of the teeth are damaged. This can make your teeth to loosen or shift, and they may eventually be lost.

Because gum disease is progressive, at United Smiles in Mernda, we focus on treating gum disease early, and then preventing its return with care in your house and in our office

Home Treatments for Gum Disease

While nothing is better than visiting the dentist, if you have experienced any of the symptoms related to gum disease, there are some home remedies that may help to keep your gums healthy. None of them, of course, replace visiting your United Smiles dentist.

Along with these home treatments for keeping your gums healthy, you should visit a dentist if you experience gum disease symptoms. Let United Smiles take care of your teeth and gums!

Ways to Prevent Gum Disease and Keep your Gums Healthy

Gum disease can be prevented with good oral hygiene. Here are a few ways you can prevent gum disease on your own at home, before you even have to worry!

Treating Gum Disease

Gingivitis is the only stage of periodontal disease that is reversible. If gingivitis is not treated, the pockets deepen, and the teeth will start to loosen as the infected gum pulls further way.

For gingivitis, we remove plaque and tartar both above and below the gum line. We also irrigate the infected areas with a rinse to flush out and kill more bacteria. Finally, we give patients an detailed home care plan, so they don’t have the infection return while the gums are healing.

We like to see patients about four weeks later to polish their teeth and ensure the disease was effectively treated.

Mild periodontitis is usually treated with a cleaning called scaling and root planing therapy. Scaling removes the plaque and tartar from your teeth above the gum line. Root planing goes beneath the gum line to clean the tartar from the root surface and make it harder for bacteria to adhere. In some cases, your dentist may also prescribe an antibiotic.

Once the disease has advanced to this stage, patients will need to return to the dentist for cleanings more frequently than people who have healthy mouths.

For moderate periodontitis, in addition to the scaling and root planing therapy, we may place an antibiotic directly into the pocket to eliminate any bacteria that the cleaning alone can’t reach. Other options include laser therapy to remove the unhealthy part of the gum.

Severe periodontitis often requires surgery. Typically, the pockets are deeper than six millimeters and there is permanent bone damage. Some teeth may be so loose, they can’t be saved. Your teeth may have to be extracted replaced with a denture, bridge, or dental implant.

Obviously, you want to avoid this with a solid oral care at home, and regular visits to your United Smiles dentist!

Keep Your Smile Healthy and Attractive with United Smiles!

United Smiles is conveniently located in the heart of Mernda Village, serving patients from all Melbourne areas, including patients of all ages. Our office has ample parking at the rear of the building. Wheelchair access is also available at the front of the building.

Call us today on (03) 8682 8658 or book an appointment online.

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