When is Tooth Bonding the Right Treatment?

Tooth bonding is a (mainly) cosmetic dentistry procedure that corrects problems associated with aesthetically unpleasing or slightly damaged teeth.

The procedure gets its name from its application of a tooth-colored resin material that is “bonded” to the tooth using a high intensity curing light. Tooth bonding is one of the treatments that your United Smiles dentist offers to help repair your teeth and improve their look.

To decide if tooth bonding is the right treatment for you, it is necessary to know a bit about the procedure, including how it is done, how long it lasts, and what you can do to keep your bonded teeth in place and looking great!

Tooth Bonding and Your Smile Issues

Bonding can be used to repair many effects of damaged or unsightly teeth. Teeth bonding is often to substitute for porcelain veneers, Invisalign, and crowns. Patients like bonding because it is quick and economical!

Bonding can be used on some cavities, eroded or cracked teeth, gapped teeth, poorly shaped teeth, and to make teeth look longer. In addition they can protect any roots that might become exposed by gum recession and protect damaged teeth from additional trauma.

How does Tooth Bonding Work?

The whole tooth bonding procedure should take between 30 minutes and an hour. You’ll be in and out before you know it, and with an improved smile!

Tooth preparation. A tooth bonding is usually performed without anesthesia. If there is no need for it the dentist proceeds to tooth isolation, etching and bonding. These steps prepare the tooth for treatment.

Shade selection. Composite resins come in a variety of tooth-colored shades so the bonding composite can be matched to the natural color of the teeth or they may be brought to a shade lighter if whitening will later be performed.

Composite restoration. The composite resin is applied to the prepared tooth in layers. The tooth is restored and the shape of the teeth is transformed, when needed. The composite layers are cured using a light curing device.

Shaping and polishing. Some irregularities, bumps and sharp edges may be found on the bonding and in this step they are ‘sculpted’ off the tooth.

Finishing. Once the bonded tooth is perfect placed and shaped, your dentist will polish the tooth bonding to give it a natural finish.

Maintaining your Bonded Teeth

Depending on maintenance, habits, and a bit of luck, bonded teeth can last between 3 and 10 years. It is partly up to you to ensure they last.

Maintaining your teeth after bonding is similar to maintaining your natural teeth. Be sure to visit your United Smiles dentist regularly for professional cleanings. Brush and floss carefully, with toothpaste and a soft-headed brush, and avoid sweets or starchy foods, especially between meals. Abrasive toothpastes or hard toothbrushes will dull the shine on your bonding, so avoid them.

Be aware of the possibility of staining and avoid foods that lead to it. These include foods that have high levels of acid (including the “healthy” citric acid), dyes, vivid natural colours, and alcohol. Tobacco, also, is a staining influence.

To avoid chipping, avoid sticky, hard, and chewy foods such as candy, French bread, and beef jerky. These can wear down and damage your tooth bonding. If you notice any changes in feel, appearance, or behaviour of a bonded tooth call United Smiles immediately.

With proper care it is possible to expect up to a decade of use from your tooth bonding!

Keep Your Smile Healthy and Attractive with United Smiles!

United Smiles is conveniently located in the heart of Mernda Village, serving patients from all Melbourne areas. Our office has ample parking at the rear of the building. Wheelchair access is also available at the front of the building.

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