A dental abscess is a collection of pus. Pus, which is characterised as a foul-tasting white thick fluid, contains white blood cells, dead tissue and bacteria. An abscess is usually caused by an infection. There are two types of dental abscess. If they are not treated immediately, you may lose the affected tooth or suffer from its serious complications.
Two Main Types of Dental Abscess
Periapical Abscess
This type of abscess develops at the tip of the root, and this is the most common type. This often results from the complication of tooth decay. Since tooth decay damages and erodes the protective layers of the tooth, which are the enamel and dentine, it allows the bacteria to invade the pulp, leading to an infection.
As the infection in the pulp progresses, it can form an abscess. Periapical abscess can also develop if the tooth nerve dies for any reason such as injury. The dead tissue at the centre of the tooth is more susceptible to infection.
Periodontal Abscess
This type of abscess occurs in the gums neighbouring a tooth root. It is also referred to as a gumboil since the abscess can develop a swelling next to a tooth. Periodontal abscess can develop due to the complication of gum disease or injury to the gums.
Gum disease is an infection or inflammation of the tissues surrounding teeth, and when this condition becomes severe, periodontal abscess arises. Periodontal abscess may also develop due to the complication of an injury to the gum or periodontium. The periodontium is one of the supporting structures of the teeth located between the tooth and the gum.
Complications of a Dental Infection
Many studies show there is a significant link between your mouth and your body. Researchers indicated that whatever is happening in your mouth, it could highly affect your overall health. Thus, if you have infection in your mouth, it can also possibly infect your body.
A dental abscess is easily be treated. On the other hand, complications can still arise in rare occasions due to the spread of bacterial infection if the dental abscess is left untreated.
An infected tooth or gums can lead to systemic diseases that can cause harm to other organs in the human body. Aside from losing the affected tooth, possible complications include sinusitis, osteomyelitis (infection of the bone), spread of infection to soft tissue, brain abscess and blood infection. All these complications can arise if an abscess is ignored.
How to Avoid Dental Abscess
The best way to avoid dental abscess is prevention. It all starts with good home and professional dental care. Regular dental check-ups, fissure sealants, and dental fillings for cavities are preventative measures that can inhibit most incidences of dental caries from spreading down to infect the pulp tissue of the tooth.
To prevent an abscess that originates in the gums, your dentist may perform routine dental cleaning and periodontal treatment. However, if the pulp is already infected, then your dentist may recommend root canal treatment to remove the infection.
Other treatments your dentist may perform include incision and draining of the abscess, root canal therapy, tooth extraction as well as prescribing antibiotics if the infection has already spread to nearby teeth or the jaw.
Keep Your Mouth Free of Infection at United Smiles
If you suspect you have an infection in your tooth or gums, don’t wait for the complications to arise. Bacterial infections can become very serious and life-threatening if left untreated. Seek your Mernda dentist at United Smiles as soon as possible to get the treatment you need. We provide high quality procedures that aim to remove the infection before it can affect your body. Our comprehensive preventive care can also help you improve your oral health and avoid the onset of dental diseases such as dental abscess.
United Smiles is conveniently located in the heart of Mernda Village, serving patients from Doreen, Beveridge, Whittlesea, Mernda and from all Melbourne metro areas. Our dental office includes ample parking available at the rear of the building. Wheel chair access is also available from the front of the building and all of our surgeries have been built to accommodate this.
For HCF and CBHS, claim your PAY NO GAP OFFER on dental check-up and clean. Bulk Bill Child Benefit Schedule Up to $1,000. To know more about our dental offers, book your appointment online or call us on (03) 8682 8658.