We have all been there, at the grocery store standing in the dental care aisle looking for a tube of toothpaste, and the amount of choices is so overwhelming that you grab the stuff that is closest to you on the shelf, and promptly leave, wondering if you grabbed the best option.
United Smiles has put up this post to help you decided if you are using the best toothpaste for your oral health needs.
Not surprisingly, different dental issues can call for different toothpastes. It is important you know your own mouth and what toothpaste is best for it.
Your Friend, Fluoride
Fluoride is sometimes called nature’s cavity fighter and for good reason. Fluoride, a naturally-occurring mineral, helps prevent cavities in children and adults by making the outer surface of your teeth (enamel) more resistant to the acid attacks that cause tooth decay.
Fluoride benefits both children and adults. Before teeth break through the gums, the fluoride taken in from foods, beverages and dietary supplements makes tooth enamel (the hard surface of the tooth) stronger, making it easier to resist tooth decay. This provides what is called a “systemic” benefit.
After teeth erupt, fluoride helps rebuild (remineralise) weakened tooth enamel and reverses early signs of tooth decay. When you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste, or use other fluoride dental products, the fluoride is applied to the surface of your teeth. This provides what is called a “topical” benefit.
Whitening Toothpaste
For those who want that camera-ready smile, but can’t afford to hire a professional, whitening toothpastes are an option. Some of them use abrasive ingredients to scrub away stains on the surface of teeth while others use peroxide as a whitener, so check the ingredients list and make sure you’re comfortable with the product you’re using.
Regardless of which way you end up leaning, just make sure your choice is approved by the Australian Dental Association – their seal of approval is your guarantee of safety and good dental care.
However, these toothpastes can be abrasive and cause trauma to the mouth. If you are really interested in whiter teeth, United Smiles would recommend considering a professional treatment in our office, or one of our handy take-home kits.
Best Toothpaste for Tartar
When plaque builds up undisturbed, it hardens into tartar, also called calculus. It’s not possible to remove tartar at home – it needs to be scraped away with a dental pick. But you can stop that tartar from forming in the first place, thus protecting your teeth and gums along the way. Look for mentions of tartar prevention on your toothpaste, and ingredients like pyrophosphates.
Best Toothpaste For Sensitive Teeth
Research suggests that as much as 46 percent of people have or have had tooth sensitivity at least once during their lives. Sensitivity may last a few minutes or several days. Both hot and cold foods and beverages may trigger sensitivity. The sensitivity may be due to enamel erosion, new fillings or several other reasons.
There are many toothpaste products designed to help relieve the sensitivity feeling and any pain associated with it. These toothpastes typically include strontium chloride or potassium nitrate. Both substances build up blocks in the pathways that span from the tooth’s surface to the tooth’s inner nerves.
Although the effects are lasting when people use the toothpaste as directed, relief may take up to several weeks for some people. Some products may also include a mild analgesic for instant pain relief.
If you do have tooth sensitivity, you should also discuss it with your United Smiles Dentist as, sometimes, this sensitivity is caused by dental conditions that need treatment.
Children’s Toothpastes
It is incredibly important that children have their own, age-appropriate toothpastes while learning good oral hygiene habits. Toddlers should start out with a toothpaste that is safe to swallow, as the first years of toothbrush training are rarely without an accidental swallow.
Furthermore, children’s toothpastes are specially formulated to contain less fluoride, which can stain developing teeth. If you’re unsure which brand is best for your children’s health needs, don’t be afraid to ask your United Smiles dentist!
Also, be certain that your child likes the taste of their toothpaste. The better the toothpaste tastes, the more your child will be happy to brush their teeth, and the better their dental health will likely be!
Keep Your Smile Healthy and Attractive with United Smiles in Mernda
United Smiles is conveniently located in the heart of Mernda Village, serving patients from all Melbourne areas. Our office has ample parking at the rear of the building. Wheelchair access is also available at the front of the building.
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