For additional guidelines regarding your wisdom tooth removal, visit your trusted Beveridge dentist here at United Smiles.
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We encourage you and your family to make a major step for your oral health. Having healthy teeth signifies a healthy body and higher quality of life. We are highly dedicated to helping your entire family gain healthy smiles for life. To learn more about how our dental team at United Smiles can help improve your overall wellbeing for that radiantly healthy smile, feel free to call or visit our dental office located at the heart of Mernda Village. United Smiles is proudly serving patients from Beveridge, Doreen and Mernda since 2013.
Book your appointment online or call us on (03) 8682 8658
For HCF and CBHS, claim your PAY NO GAP OFFER on Dental Check-up and Clean
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Same Day Emergency Appointment
Bulk Bill Child Dental Benefit up to $1,000
Dentist Beveridge
Find out more about our dentists serving the Beveridge community and anywhere from Mernda area.